Inquire Of The Lord - Lament and Hope

Jan 10, 2021    Pastor Dennis Turner


1. Read John 16:32-33. What do you do when you don't know what to do? How do you pray with everything is NOT OK? Discuss.

2. Read Genesis 21:14-18 & Psalm 6:1-10. God hears and sees our cries and our pain and has compassion on us. He sees all of it. He longs to help us. Share some deep concerns and needs you have with the group briefly.

3. Read Matthew 24:1-14, Psalm 142:2-7, & Proverbs 3:5-6. After reading these passages discuss the pattern for prayer that is laid in them. Pray for the needs that were mentioned in the group.

4. Read 2 Chronicles 16:9. Is your heart fully committed to God? What are some things that are keeping you from a heart that is fully committed? Where are you strengths and what are your weaknesses. Discuss as a group.